Episode4 WAVE4
5月27日 午後4時52分
May 27 4:52 PM
南奈津乃: どう、三浦くん 私ちゃんと動かせてる?
Minami Natsuno: How am I doing, Miura-kun? Anything I'm screwing up here?
三浦慶太郎: 大丈夫です、奈津乃さん 飲み込みが早いですね
Keitaro Miura: Doing just fine, Natsuno-san. You’re a natural.
南奈津乃: 任されたんだもん…彼に笑われたくない
Minami Natsuno: This was his last gift to me.
I gotta do this right, so I don’t let him down.
Don’t we have a bunch of bad guys everywhere already?
Should we really be deployed all the way out here?
三浦慶太郎: 我々の乗る機兵は遠距離攻撃を旨とします
Keitaro Miura: Our Sentinels were designed chiefly for long-range attacks.
I was taught that my primary tactic should be long-distance annihilation.
Never give them a chance to close in.
南奈津乃: 近づかれたら危険ってこと…?
Minami Natsuno: So if they do get too close, that’s bad news?
三浦慶太郎: 両腕に接近戦用の電磁破砕槌が追加装備されているものの
Keitaro Miura: Well, we’ve got electromagnetic battering rams for both arms in case of close-quarters combat.
But we can't let them surround us.
I don’t know if we could fight our way out of that.
南奈津乃: …そ、そうなんだ…
Minami Natsuno: …Okay. Got it.
ナビ音声: 『警告 D信号接近』
『迎撃態勢 戦闘情報処理開始』
“Warning: Deimos signatures approaching.
Preparing to intercept. Initiating tactical analysis.”
南奈津乃: 来た…来たよ三浦くん…どうするの?もう撃つ?
Minami Natsuno: They're coming… Miura-kun, they're coming!
What do we do? Should we shoot?
三浦慶太郎: 奈津乃さん落ち着いて…敵をよく見て
敵は数で勝る…一発で多くの敵を巻き込み 一網打尽にするんです
Keitaro Miura: Stay calm, Natsuno-san.
Get a clear look at the opposing forces.
The enemy may have more numbers than us…
but we can hit them all in one fell swoop.
南奈津乃: 三浦くん…私なんだか震えてきた
Minami Natsuno: Miura-kun, I'm… I'm kinda shook up here…
三浦慶太郎: 大丈夫、震えるのは…電磁砲弾を撃たれた相手です
Keitaro Miura: We’ll be okay… we can use the electromagnetic rounds. Shake them up instead.
南奈津乃: 三浦くん見て、敵が一直線に進んでくるよ
Minami Natsuno: Look, Miura-kun! They're coming at us in one straight line.
三浦慶太郎: …!
Keitaro Miura: …!
…I'm in the perfect position…
南奈津乃: すごい…一撃で倒せちゃった…
Minami Natsuno: That was awesome! You got them all in one shot…!
三浦慶太郎: 電磁砲弾の威力は、大型戦艦の46サンチ砲一斉射に匹敵します
Keitaro Miura: That electromagnetic round has the power of a salvo from 46 cm battleship-mounted cannons.
But a weapon that powerful comes with high energy costs, and high risks to match.
If you don’t use it carefully, you might end up out of power at the worst possible moment.
南奈津乃: りょ、りょうかい…!
Minami Natsuno: Uh, roger that…!
南奈津乃: なんとかなった…
Minami Natsuno: We got through it…
三浦慶太郎: 初めてであれだけ動かせれば大したものです
Keitaro Miura: For a first-time pilot, those were some impressive moves out there.
南奈津乃: 三浦くんがいてくれたおかげだよ
Minami Natsuno: Couldn’t have done it without you, Miura-kun.
ナビ音声: 『警告 D信号接近 攻撃圏内』
“Warning: Deimos signatures identified. Enemy is range.”
南奈津乃: えぇ!また来た、あいつらどれくらいいるの?
Minami Natsuno: What? There's more? How many of these guys are there?
三浦慶太郎: まずいな…敵側にも攻撃範囲の広い奴がいる
出た…表層破砕型? 名称はツインテール…それだけか
Keitaro Miura: This isn't good… Looks like they're deploying wide-range attackers of their own.
Let me check the Sentinel’s data.
Maybe we have a dossier in here somewhere.
There we go… A Surface Wrecher?
Colloquially called a “Twintail”… is that all we have?
南奈津乃: 来るよ…三浦くん、攻撃する?
Minami Natsuno: It’s coming, Miura-kun… Do we attack?
三浦慶太郎: 待って、別方向に新たな敵だ …いや…この反応は…
Keitaro Miura: Wait, I think we have new enemies inbound…
Actually, isn't that…?
南奈津乃: 13番機兵と…15番機兵だって…仲間?
Minami Natsuno: Sentinel No. 13 and No. 15… Are they friendly?
鞍部十郎: イージスを起動する。このターミナルはまもなく封鎖だ
Juro Kurabe: We’re activating Aegis. This terminal will close soon.
南奈津乃: ええっ?十郎くんも機兵に乗るの?
Minami Natsuno: What? Juro-kun? You're in a Sentinel, too?
冬坂五百里: ホントになっちゃんだ!助けに来たよなっちゃん!
Iori Fuyusaka: It IS you, Nat-chan? We’re here to help!
南奈津乃: うそっ!イオリまで…どうなってんの
Minami Natsuno: No way! You too, Iori!? What’s going on…?
三浦慶太郎: よく来てくれた、十郎くん これほど心強いことはない
Keitaro Miura: Thank you, Juro-kun. I couldn’t have asked for better support.
鞍部十郎: 起動が完了するまでの間 ターミナルを守るんだ
Juro Kurabe: We have to defend the terminal until the systems activate…
冬坂五百里: なっちゃん、一緒に頑張ろうね!
Iori Fuyusaka: Nat-chan, let's do this together!
鞍部十郎: イージスが起動しターミナルは封鎖された
Juro Kurabe: Aegis has been activated. The terminal’s been closed.
南奈津乃: 敵の反応が消失した…終わり?ほんとに?
Minami Natsuno: I can't see any more kaiju around… Is that it? Did we beat them?
冬坂五百里: …みたい…
Iori Fuyusaka: …Looks like it…
鞍部十郎: いや、まだ始まったばかりだ
ここが無理なら、奴らは 次のターミナルを狙う
Juro Kurabe: No, this is still just the beginning.
If they can't use this terminal, they’ll just move on the next one.
三浦慶太郎: …その話が本当なら、
Keitaro Miura: …If that’s ture…
The more targets they lose, the more desperate our enemies will get…
and the harder they’ll fight.
鞍部十郎: そうだね…
Juro Kurabe: Yeah…
These battles are only going to get tougher.
南奈津乃: そんな…
Minami Natsuno: Seriously…?